
Garments and accessories created by Dust of Gods are original artistic expressions made with reused materials that may bear trademarks (whether unregistered or registered, including but not limited to word marks, design marks, colours, trade dress or other indicia of brands), imagery, names, images, likeness, and/or works in which copyright and moral rights subsist (collectively, “Indicia and/or Works”). Dust of Gods is not associated in any way nor holding itself out as offering goods associated with any of the companies or individuals to which intellectual property rights in the Indicia and/or Works may belong, and is not endorsed or sponsored by, licensed nor granted the right to use of any of the Indicia and/or Works. The Indicia and/or Works which may appear on or as a part of Dust of Gods garments and accessories do not guarantee the authenticity of the reused materials, nor connote or suggest any association or affiliation between Dust of Gods and the namesake brands, trademarks, trade dress and/or other source-identifying indicia. By clicking “Accept”, you expressly agree that you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer. 

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